The Forgive-to-LIVE again Program
Make a Quantum SHIFT into your Soulful Sovereign Self 
for significant, swift & lasting change to old attitude, habits and challenging patterns!
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with Transformational Expert Healer & Coach,
This is a proven transformational program unlike anything you've experienced before, 
designed to help you with:
  • Unhealthy self-destructive habits and patterns  
  • Transform after a loss or hardship so to recreate your life
  • Build new neural pathways (remap your brain) for new positive thinking
  • Forgive yourself & others so to be FREE from suffering associated with a painful past 
  • Heal core wounds, clear toxic emotions and right your relationships with Self, others, Source, memories & circumstances
  • Develop emotional mastery skills and learn how to live "UNOFFENDABLE" 
Are you ready to heal your heart, 
gain personal freedom & emotional mastery?
I've come to realize that there's a major gap in our understanding about what makes the law of attraction, manifestation and motivational techniques actually work.  Which means our attempts at creating positive personal change often fall short of ideal results.  

If you're frustrated with repeating the same old theme of patterns, like: 
• Circumstances beyond my control
• Not enough: time, energy, money, skills (resources)
• Distrusting, skeptical of new ideas and people
• Overly critical of myself, feel unworthy of having my ideal life
• Uncertain, confused, don’t know how to get there
• Avoid what’s important with non-essential distractions
• Atract dramatic people and situtations

this this could be why...   

I think it's safe to say that EVERYONE goes through life challenges. I don't know one person who escapes childhood without an interesting tale or dramatic origin story.

Our most painful experiences, called "core wounds, leave their mark on every level of our being....and gives rise to our "over protective parts" that build up a heart wall, defense mechanisms and invent distorted stories to ensure we don't get hurt again. 

But really all this does is make it hard to trust in love, self, others, or life. 

When left unhealed, these distortions significantly affect our physical, mental, emotional health and happiness.

I'm talking about the BS (belief systems) we tell ourselves, like: 
  • I'm never going to find or trust love again 
  • I'm going to grow old and die alone 
  • People seem to always disappoint me 
  • I'm too old...sick...out of shape.... unattractive 
  • life is hard, I’m stuck 
  • I'm not good enough, unworthy of anything good.  

Stories that arise when we’re left feeling stressed and overwhelmed by
  • work / life imbalance
  • things and people who anger and annoy you 
  • a lack of healthy boundaries 
  • unrealistic expectations on self and others
  • the current world events that are beyond your control

Maybe you already knew this 

​But did you also know that chronic illness, unpleasant mood & relationship patterns are rooted in these belief systems and stressful habits? These unresolved issues from the past can block you from living the life you truly deserve and desire .

Perhaps you think

"This is just me, it's my nature, people are going to have to just accept me for how I am", I've tried to change but nothing really helps, this is as good as it's going to get." 

Have you ever prayed for answers? Wished for peace? 
Felt hopeless or sought relief from something painful?  

What if....

There was no such thing as a "coincidence," because everything is part of a bigger pattern or leads to another stage?  

Being depressed, sick or injured is hardly ever a random event but our body's way of telling us something, like where to look for the root cause of the real problem?  

Life challenges are invitations for us to make new more empowering choices to think better feeling thoughts?  

We were to let go of the need to be so controlling and transformed our outdated BS (belief systems) for health & happiness in life?
Here's a glimpse of some drama's from my past

  • I can remember being 10 years of age laying in bed gasping for air  thinking "I'm going to die." I had uncontrolled asthma but no one knew it at the time. My parents were going through a troublesome divorce, I felt frightened and ignored. On an unconscious level, the only way to get the love and attention I needed was to manifest a real need for it. 
  • I was bullied by someone close to me all throughout my youth, made to feel ashamed of myself for simply being myself. The best way I knew how to survive was to become invisible and shrink my light so to avoid attention. I turned "people pleasing" into an art and hiding my real self into my superpower so to be "liked". As a result of betraying my heart, I attracted relationships with unavailable people to show me how I had abaonded myself.  
  • I have a memory from my early 20's of sitting in a reclining chair, lost in dreadful thoughts with anxiety and extreme discomfort throughout my body, wondering "Why is this happening? Is God punishing me?" I wanted to run away from a depressing, miserable life as a single mom in poverty. I felt like I must've done something bad in a past life to deserve such punishment and thought "if this is as good as life gets, I don't want to be here anymore" 
  • In my early 30's, I once again found myself suffering from a chronic illness while enraged with anger following a divorce. I had lost my will to live and became dependent on substances to cope. Numb inside, and little to no self-esteem, I put myself in compromising situations so to get attention. What I needed was self love, self care, self development. But instead what I did was self-punishment, self-critique, self-destruct. 
Can you see any patterns emerge? 

So, the really good news is....this is not my story anymore. Far from it, actually. 

These are just a few highlights of a much larger history that's not necessary for me to get into at the moment. 

What's most important is how not only did I clear my unconscious distortions, regrets and resentment, but through my discovery journey I learned so much about life, myself, the mind, the Soul, the body and healing that I feel incredibly rich for having had these experiences.

I realized that life is happening for me, not to me.   

It was in doing the meaningful work of forgiveness healing that provided me the foundation for a transformation in my mindset, personal health, emotional and spiritual wellbeing and allowed me to access the deeper wisdom of my Soulful Sovereign Self. 

With the skills, deep appreciation and a renewed purpose in life, I now help others breakthrough their often complex challenges, which is something I am super passionate about. 

And that's why I've created this program.  

What about yourself?
Challenges help to define who you are, your passions, gifts & strengths. But they also contribute to your destructive, childish, protective attitudes and other learned behaviors, too.

How do you react when triggered?
  •   Use anger & aggression as way to get what you want
  •   Freak out with anxiety, get clouded, creatively blocked
  •   Avoid taking action or deny having any responsibility
  •   Appease to please others, then feel disappointed and unhappy
This can make you feel ​out of CONTROL.....Right?!?!
It's not the snake bite that kills, BUT the poisonous venom coursing through the veins.'s not the event, but how we perceive and respond to it that affects one's health & happiness.

I'm sure it's no surprise to hear that these behaviors release high-voltage toxic chemicals inside the body that age cells, cause illness, negatively affect relationships and cloud one's ability to think clearly or creatively. 

Continuing to play out your old default patterns with distorted views on life WILL sabotage your health & relationships, cause you to be miserable and hold yourself back from progressing in life.

And we will NEVER solve our problems, at least not sustainably, by avoiding or fighting against what triggers us and denying what we fear most, the unknown realm of our true power. 
If you're saying: YES, I know! BUT how does one gain control over this?

How do I 
- find peace in my Life?   
- live free from being offended by others?  
​- move past “anger management”, talk therapy, courses, medications, breathing exercises &      tapping​ ​into living freely, effectively, masterfully and joyfully?
- heal what I can't even see from my unconscious patterns? 

Forgiveness is a gift of grace, a kindness that ends suffering. Yours and others.
Forgiveness is immediately experienced in your whole brain, being, and energy as it allows the release of happy healing hormones. 

Through atonement, we are brought back into harmony with our nature and can then focus on developing self mastery skills to operate on higher levels of consciousness.


Most of us "THINK" that we have forgiven and moved on just because the storm has settled, we've talked about it, are ignoring the cause of the problem or believe that "time heals all wounds". 


It's like saying that an infection is clear because after the first day of antibiotics you begin to feel better. 

Each core wound experience that we have (or that gets passed down through our lineage) is imprinted within our bioenergetic field, and distorts our light, our health, and energy. 

When applied, true heart-based forgiveness can be a transcendental experience allowing us to transmute the painful protective parts and begin to transform destructive behaviors learned from life's hardships. 

It helps us alchemize the pain of an offense, heal the body from the damaging toxic emotions, clear the subconscious mind of its destructive imprints & patterns of behaviors so you don't keep revisiting the past as a victim to it. 

Which maybe was true once, but to live FREE we must see ourselves and experience our story in a new more empowered way in the PRESENT. 

Once we clear the habit of being a victim to unwanted destructives thoughts, memories, emotions, circumstance and behaviors....THEN we can rewrite the script and recreate new relationships & interactions by design.

Who's doing this work?  

Many people who show up for this journey are lovers of learning, some with experience in "a course in miracles" or talk therapy yet feel there's another level of work to do for a renewed sense of Self & purpose and are open to guidance from someone who's been there and has helped countless others through this pathwork. 

Some may have experience with meditation, hypnosis or spiritual concepts. But none of this is necessary in order to reap the rewards from this work. 

Anyone can benefit when they come with a willingness to be free and are ready to move on, but I make no claims as to what that benefit will be exactly, as the results vary per person. 
What's beyond forgiveness? 

Learning how to live "Unoffendable," aligned with your Soulful Sovereign self, can lead to:

  •    experience more JOY & LOVE in your life
  •    miracles in healing or a great shift in health
  •    a more open, trusting, compassionate heart with improved communications in relationships
  •    an increase in confidence helping you develop a more solid sense of Self worth
  •    stop repeating negative patterns (attracting the same type of people and circumstances over and over again) 
  •    feel more emotionally grounded, stable & resilient 
  •    the personal freedom that comes from living from a place of Authentic power
learn to Forgive-to-LIVE happy, healthy, calm, balanced and trust again

   The Forgive-to-LIVE again program consists of:
  • In depth Self Study materials within an small online group program (private 1-1 sessions available, also)
  • I will be your guide on this journey with video tutorials, journaling exercises, audios and breakthrough coaching. 
  • There will be 5 lessons plus a getting started section with additional supportive bonus tools & and a private Facebook group
  • A powerful and unique energy clearing & neural repatterning guided audio envisioning process to go with each session 
  • You'll spend about an hour and a half 1x per week for 5 weeks plus about 15ish minutes per day anchoring in the guided visualizations

A transformational program unlike anything you've ever experienced before.

Combining practical neuroscience tips with positive priming, wisdom teachings and energy clearing tools that help you heal core wounds, transmute trauma from the subtle layers of your energy body to put the past behind and live free once and for all.
​​​What we'll cover within this 5-part program
Session 1 - Discover the Ego-vs-Soul Needs for Emotional Mastery 
Discover hidden reasons behind beliefs, attitudes and behaviors that keep you stuck and limit growth. Gain understanding of where you are on the path of progression, the true quality of your Self-nature and how to move into higher levels consciousness.  

Session II - Good Grief
Gain freedom from your old reactions and outdated destructive patterns, create a new response to things and people. Gain more Self-control over how you creatively and intelligently respond to events and people, instead of reacting to the triggers of unresolved grief imprinted in the pain body. 

Session III - Forgive yourSelf 
We all have big regrets and mistakes.  are learning opportunities. Know your gifts, live according to your ideal values and end the cycle of being critical and angry with Self & the need for attention or validation from others.

Session IV - Forgive Others
What happened in the past can often come back to haunt us. Free yourSelf from the energy prison of anger or resentments, and change the negative patterns & behaviors created from past pains as a victim to others; like having boundary issues, fear of being visible or speaking up. 

Session V - Live "UNOFFENDABLE" 
Learn what this means to attain victory over oneself, know how to defend with balance, be in the flow of life force energy.  Move from being controlled by a disempowered ego and live up to your Souls potential with stronger boundaries.

Develop the skills to better communicate your needs and boundaries while being both courageously firm as well as knowing when to surrender and be flexible. 

Each module builds on the others and comes with its own customized clearing process, working with the subconscious mind for building up your personal power & raising your vibration!

​Live FREE to be authentic and empowered 
Love & respect yourSelf, Life, others ​
Now imagine what your life can be like to live this way 

The many benefits of this work includes
  • Freedom to be true to yourself, live empowered
  • Increase the energy needed for healing 
  • Improve the way you show up in relationships
  • Move from distrust to trust following betrayal, abandonment, deception.
  • Change unhealthy habits & patterns
  • Develop positive self-control over emotions and feel calm & centered
  • Feel confident in communicating your boundaries, know when to be firm or flexible
  • Have more patience dealing with challenging times or people
What to expect 

1.) I will coach you through each module via video tutorials, workbooks & audio downloads

2.) Journal what you discover and uncover with proven tools & techniques for healing and transformation

3.) I facilitate you through a guided visualization, energy freeing and clearing process after each segment so you can clear what comes up and create new neural-pathways for positive personal change. 

These digitally recorded audios are best used with headphones when in a safe quiet place free from distractions, as they contain the latest brain based technology for improved learning and can help you anchor in more empowering behaviors, beliefs & positive frequencies. 

upSHIFT your level of consciousness to a higher vibration (aka feel lighter, renewed and clear) 

Overcoming Doubt & Fears ​

Here are some reasons why you should say YES to this work!

  •   Because you've read this far and are now wondering "could this be what I've been looking for?"
  •   If you have worries like: "I don't have the money OR I've tried this type of thing before and nothing's changed" this program can help you learn tools to live a more empowered life
  •    Because you are so over being miserable, unhappy, repeating the same old story 
  •   You are worthy of having the life you desire and need to take some serious action to get it
  •    You're available to uplevel your life in such a way that allows you to step even more into your true self and do greater things

SHIFT happens....Guaranteed! 
I just wanted to express how grateful I am for the forgiveness sessions I did with you. For me, it wasn't just about a quick fix for my anxiety and depression like traditional medicine would be but rather changing the way I live my life, and seeing life from a new perspective. I feel that I've started an amazing journey thanks to you and I'm looking forward to continuing to learn and explore my world through new eyes! Thank you! - AB

The forgiveness program made a significant impact on my life in all areas, I have been able to move past the darkest of days filled with depression, anxiety, nightmares and loneliness, to a fulfilling, happy life with a bright and positive outlook on my present and future and have forgiven the hard hands dealt in my past. ~ Erin C

Shawna, you came into my life at a very crucial time and guided me with such grace and wisdom, it honestly takes my breath away. With such passion for what you do, getting right to the core, working through it with valuable tools.   

Our paths crossed at just the right time and I know in my heart that it was nothing short of Divine Alignment. She has truly enriched my life through her Forgiveness program and I highly recommend her.
Shawna is a beautiful gifted woman and the world is a better place because of her!
~ Victoria D.

  What's the Investment?
The Forgive-to-LIVE again Program is available for 1-1 private coaching starting at $1,200

However, The BEST option is to join my next LIVE small online group class...

where you will have access to me personally for breakthough coaching every week throughout the program. 

accountability calls to ensure you're getting the most 
out of the experience and see the best results possible

PLUS, get the latest updates from years of field work on all of the lessons and clearing processes for  ONLY $395

=> The next 5 week online class starts 
on Monday, Dec 16h 2019

Contact me if you have any questions before registering at

*As soon as your registration is complete you'll gain instant access to the membership site and can get started right away.

As soon as you register, 
you'll have instant access to the membership area.

check your email for directions on how to make the most of your investment! 

With love and enthusiasm! 
xo Shawna

(PS- white list my name so to 
ensure I don't fall into the inbox abyss ;) 
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